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WeWork: Mobile Keycard

WeWork: Mobile Keycard

Unburdening WeWork members from having to carry (sometimes multiple) physical cards to gain access to spaces and amenities gave reason to start looking into creating door-hardware agnostic solutions. Starting with a simple v1 using bluetooth and location services, the mobile keycard feature is currently rolling through beta testing phases and on its way to a wider general release. Concurrently, I’m leading a team who is exploring deeper integration capabilities with native devices, and the offerings it can bring.


Starting With Existing Patterns

Leveraging the existing UI system of components and treating the mobile keycard feature as a module to be loaded into any WeCo app, we created a simple activation flow wherein the user is prompt’d into granting app persmissions for bluetooth and location services.


Prototyping & Testing

Building a simple tap through prototype, I experimented with a couple different flows while refining the design accordingly. Check out the prototype here!


updates and Next Steps

Rolling with development hurdles and device/OS updates necessitated some rethinking and adjusting of the way permissions are handled and displayed to users…

iOS_NFC wallet 3.gif
iOS_NFC wallet 2.gif

NExt Steps and Looking forward

Leading a small team of designers to explore what next versions of the mobile keycard features could literally unlock, we’ve been exploring deep NFC/wallet integrations for smoother operation and expanded offerings.